People whom I personally recommend...

Rob Sedgwick (Owner of "Sedgwick Acting Studios")
Rob is one of the best actors, and teachers, I've ever come across. You can tell he vehemently cares about the craft and every single one of his students. He is firm yet compassionate, and it's amazing to watch the transformation of his students from when they first start the class compared to the last one. Every casting director, talent agent and/or talent manager who sits in is always blown away by the caliber of talent. Go here to learn more!

Lourdes Severny (Actress & Photographer)
This stunning beauty is Lourdes! Not only is she an incredibly gifted actress, but she's also a kick-ass photographer! I've used her for my most recent headshots and I don't ever see myself going to anyone else! She's very talented and a pleasure to work with. Feel free to contact her here.

Sandra McClean (Actress & Teacher)
The gorgeous Sandra is an amazing actress and a dedicated teacher! She has years of acting experience under her belt, as well as teaching Spanish. More recently, she launched an exciting new course which allows students to learn Spanish by incorporating acting techniques! (It gives students the unique opportunity to study acting, while learning a new language!) After the first class, I feel confident that I will be a better actress and adding a valuable new skill to my repertoire. Feel free to check her out here.

Kelly Sindell (Actress & Video Editor)
Kelly is one of the prettiest and most gifted actresses around! She's also a professional video editor who's clients have included heavy-hitting retailers and her commercials have been broadcasted nationally & internationally. Her resumes are extensive and a she's a wonderful human-being to boot!. Feel free to check her out here.

Mike Timm (Creative Executive & Script Consultant)
Mike is a Senior Creative Producer at Universal Studios Home Entertainment. I recently hired Mike to perform coverage on my written pitch for a 30-minute TV pilot that I wrote, and I wish I found him years ago! I recently pitched two producers through Stage32's pitch sessions (with my updated pitch based on Mike's notes) and, within 4 days of receiving my pitch, a big producer not only requested the script (plus additional materials) but he also requested to have a meeting with me! (I've gotten script requests before but never a meeting.) He said he got my "voice' through the pitch (Which is what I was struggling with.). If you're interested in hiring him, email him here.

Will Kaufman (CEO of WRK Media & DP)
I've had the pleasure of working with Will years ago, and I can honestly say he's one of the most professional, gifted and knowledgable filmmakers out there. He's also one of the nicest people you'll ever meet and he possesses an impressive body of work! If you're interested in checking out his work (Which I highly recommend that you do.), visit him here.